Areej Mughal
3 min readJun 6, 2022


Tired Of Being UNHAPPY| Read this & INSTANTLY get rid of such feelings FOREVER | Welcome Back Gesture

Source: Unsplash

Hi Guys, I’m hoping to resume writing after a long hiatus. I apologies for not writing sooner; I was somewhat preoccupied with some business matters. I literally miss writing during this time, but I will try to be more consistent from now on. Today I’m just writing some of my thoughts as a sort of comeback gesture. Big thanks to all of You!

A happy life can be defined by many things, from a good job to great friends. A lot of people are unhappy in their lives because they feel that they aren’t living the best life possible. In this article I am going to teach you how to make your own happy life and live a better life than you are currently living.

1) Make sure that you are doing what you love: You have heard this before, but it is true. If you don’t do what you love, your day will drag on and feel like nothing happened at the end of the day. When we do what we love, time moves quickly and success feels more obtainable. It is important to think about if there is something that you have always wanted to do that could make your life better?

We all want to live a happy life and it’s a simple dream. But, how do we achieve this? What are the habits that we need? Well, I have written this article to share my experiences with you and some useful tips on how to live more happily.

- Respect Yourself

The first step of living a happy life is respect yourself. You have to take care of your wants and needs. That means saying no when you don’t feel good or doing what makes you happy. You need to find the balance between your work responsibilities and personal time too, because if you’re not moving forward in your career, then what is the point?

- Embrace Change

As humans, we can’t always avoid change. The best way for us to handle change is by

The happiest people I know aren’t the ones with the better lives, they’re simply the ones who take the time to notice, appreciate and share all the positive.

Trying to be happy all of the time is like trying to maintain a weight loss for life. It’s not just about what you do at work or how much money you make. The truth is that happiness is a mental state that you have to learn how to sustain and develop over time — no matter what’s going on in your life.

The life you live matters so much more to you than it does to those around you. Stop worrying about what the people around you think, or want from your life, and start being happy.

I try to remind myself of these things all the time. You matter so much more than anyone else does in this world, no matter where your place is on the social ladder or how different a life path may be, because even if someone has importance in their own sphere of life that doesn’t take away anything from yours and vice versa.

